Zindagi Fellows 2024
Zindagi Fellows 2024
A BA graduate from Magadh University, Anshu has worked with Prayatna NGO on Madhubani painting on coasters, clothes and cards. She plans to launch her own painting, stitching, and embroidery venture. She also wants to mentor women from her community skilled in stitching, to foster economic independence and creative expression among them.
A BCA graduate from Nagpur University, Diksha is enthusiastic about establishing and expanding her beauty parlour. Diksha wants to start a business on a small scale. Along with that, she wants to learn HD makeup and gain better product knowledge of makeup. She then plans to expand her business by hiring other artists in the same field.
An MA graduate from IGNOU University, Rekha is passionate about social issues related to gender, sexuality, caste and equality. Rekha aspires to establish a tuition centre, showcasing her commitment to educating others. Outside of academia, Rekha has developed diverse skills and interests, including mehendi art which she has learned proficiently.
Trained as a Medical Lab Technician from Sri Ram Rai Institution, Trinley has worked as a secretary and is in the Tsampa business with her family. Trinley wants to make her own Tsampa energy bar brand. Tsampa which is roasted barley flour is a Tibetan and Himalayan staple food. She wants to make her Tsampa brand accessible beyond Tibetan communities.